Buy Maui Waui Marijuana Strain in Germany
Maui Waui Marijuana Strain is a mainly Sativa hybrid that was once regarded as a top-tier strain when it first appeared in the 1960s. The notion that “marijuana wasn’t as potent back then” often alludes to a period prior to the development of Maui Waui.
Maui Waui was one of the first strains to contain a significant amount of THC. When Maui Waui was developed in the 1960s, the typical THC level of a marijuana strain was fairly low (almost always under 8 percent ). Maui Waui has a high THC content and immediately became one of the most popular strains on the market.
THC Content
It is now considered a middling to high-grade drug that produces a classic Sativa high with a few Indica benefits. In terms of THC content, other strains (along with new hybrids) have caught up to and even surpassed this legendary strain.
Maui Waui consumers report feeling happy and active, which can also boost creativity. It gives you a gentle and pleasant numbing sensation as well as a bad case of the dreaded’ munchies.’
It’s probable that users will experience dry eyes and lips, as well as paranoia. When taking bigger amounts of edibles, some people experience dizziness and headaches.
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